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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  April 24, 2013 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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vice president joe biden now at the podium. >> one thing is certain, i know from experience, that sense of dre dread, that reliving the moment in the last nine days almost hourly of the moment you learn the fate of your child. its sense of hollowness, it's like you're being sucked into a void that you can't control. i remember. as i said, i know there's nothing anyone can say or do to bring you solace, but i also know from experience, as i said to you in the tent, that the moment will come when that thing that triggers the memory of sean, that moment, whether it's a song or a season or a holiday
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or passing a little league field, whatever it is, you'll know it's going to be okay when the first instinct is you get a smile to your lips before you get a tear to your eyes. it's impossible to fathom that will occur, but i promise you, i guarantee you it will. you are an incredible family. i watched brothers and sisters on the "today" show on monday. you gave me hope and you brought me and millions of others to tears. you painted a vivid picture of your brother, so everyone could understand. what stuck with me the most, and probably hundreds of stories that have been told and written about since sean's death, was when you were -- i believe it
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was at a restaurant, a papa jeano's, and he turned and said there's a lady crying over there, you're a nurse, go talk to her. go talk to her. from what i've learned, since then, that's who he's been his whole life. that's why he did what he did with the students around campus. that's why, of all the things i've read, not knowing sean, the one that struck home the most to me, mr. president, was a student who was quoted as saying, he loved us, and we loved him. it's not a surprise, james that they may have loved him, but to love him because they knew he loved them. what a remarkable son. what a remarkable brother.
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i've known the colliers my whole life, and today is the first time i met them. i grew up in the same neighborhood. i was telling them that, like a lot of you who have a badge or shield pinned on, my neighborhood, when i moved to claymont, you either became a firefighter, a cop, a priest or you joined the trades. i wasn't capable of any of them, so i ended up where i am. but i know you. i know you. you have been -- you are among the men and women i most admire. i have worked with you my entire career, as a lawyer, serving as a senator for 36 years, and now. in my view, what people don't
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understand sometimes about all of you is that every one of you, in spite of what the chief said, joined the force, became a law enforcement officer, for the same underlying reason -- you felt a sense of obligation. you thought you could help. you all had that sort of inexplicable sense of duty, and that gross underestimation of your value and how important you are. that's the single element i think that runs through all of american law enforcement. when events like this occur, the nation is always reminded you have your bravery, but unfortunately having attended so many funerals and memorial services for law enforcement officers in my career, i not
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only think of your bravery, but the first thoughts i have is of your families. because every day when you get up and pin on that shield and walk out that door, your husband, your wife, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, they know -- they know it's naggy that anything could happen. yesterday they assistant with you, they support you, and they have the courage to encourage you. to do what you do. so i want to thank not only sean's family for their willingness to support their brother, their son, taking on this work, but all of your husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, and children, we owe you so much more than just
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honoring you on days of grief and celebration. there's a line from an english poet keats. he said -- they also serve who only stand and wait. your families, they stand and wait, with the knowledge that anything can happen. they live with it every day. you never know when you get that call to walk up that three-story walk-up to break up a domestic fight, or pull someone over in a routine traffic stop, or sitting, standing watch on a campus on one of the mos most prestigious universities in the
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world. you're a different breed, so are your families. joe biden in cambridge, mass, at a tribute for slain m.i.t. police officer sean collier, looking out over a sea of blue, all the law enforcement officials who are there, the officers and their families pay tribute. in boston today, also a sign of recoveries boylston street reopening with new pavement covering the spot where the first bomb went off as investigators chase clues from the u.s. to russia, lawmakers now questions whether intelligence agencies dropped the ball. >> that is troubling to me, that this many years after the attacks on our country in 2001, that we still seem to have stovepipes that prevent information from being shared effectively not only among
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different agencies d. >> as well as to a mississippi senator. a new twist in the manhunt, after prosecutors admit they arrested the wrong man. >> the last seven days, staring at four gray walls like the green green grass of home tune, not knowing what's happening, not having a clue why i'm there, when you've been charged with something you never heard of. i thought they said rice, so i said i don't even eat rice. and what happened when the president dined with the women senators. he was clearly outnumber. we have some here to dish the details. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. the site of the first bomb blast reopened today. the area is ode to pedestrians, bostonians have turned it into a makeshift memorial.
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and more detailsy dzhokhar tsarnaev. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams is on the case with the latest in the investigation. pete, what are we learning now? what are the ratest, first of all, from dzhokhar tsarnaev, and do they believe he and his brother were lone wolfs? >> you may recall that the charges against him were actually filed under seal on sunday, he had his initial appearance in the hospital on monday, and as far as we know, they haven't attempted to re-interview him since then. he's getting with his lawyers, trying to figure out how to proceed. in essence his's confessed already. he's told authorities that he and his brother did it, he's given a reason why, their opposition to the wars in iraq and afghanistan, which think thought were attacks on islam. and he said they were not inspired by foreign countries or foreign interests that they came up with this plot on their own,
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and that's largely what he said. there are other little details. so i think it will be a while yet before they're able to talk to him any more. >> we're hearing there was some confusion yesterday, because after a briefing for house and intelligence members, senator bure from north carolina said there were multiple contacts by the russians to the u.s. now the clarification from saxby chambli chambliss, the ranking member of senate intelligence and others is that there were two contacts, one to the fbi and one clearly was to the cia. >> that's what senator chambliss is saying? >> that's what others are saying on the hill, one to the fbi, one to another agency action and i believe that the inference is that the other agency was the cia. >> well, we've been told flat-out that that's exactly right, that the first contact was to the fbi directly in early 2011, saying we'd like more
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information about tamerlan tsarnaev. we have reason to believe he's become radicalized, a story that i think has been out there. the fbi looked into it, found nothing and told the russians they had come up empty and asked if they had any further information twice, and twice the russians didn't respond. in september of that same year, as one official said to me, the russians in essence dust off the same question, and send it this time to the cia, thinking well, perhaps the cia will get a different response. the cia send it back to the fbi, because obviously he's a u.s. person, they can't do much there, because it's the fbi's jurisdiction, and they say we've looked into this person, we find nothing and they tell the russians that again. so it is correct that the russians contacted us more than once, but official tell me that the information was exactly the same both times, and that repeatedly, at least three or four times, the fbi went back to the russians and said what more can you give us? each time not getting any
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further information. we'll be talking to dan benjamin, a former counter-terrorism officials, about the fact that the u.s. and the russians both sides hold back, they don't want to share a lot of information. for one thing on human rights issues, the u.s. doesn't want to share information on potential dissidents with the russians for fear of retaliation against them and their families back overseas. there's been a lot of confusion -- >> i was going to say i think that's true, but at the same time, the intelligence people tell us that they did not let that cloud their judgment in this case, that they took it very seriously and pursued it as they would any threat assessment, look at the terror databases, look at communications, actually interviewed tamerlan and his relatives at their home. they this el say they ran it completely to ground and then there's a question when he flies to russia in january of last year, did the intel community know about that? yes, it did, but the assessment
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was, okay, the guy we looked into is going to russia now, we know that, but there's no reason to think there's any problem there, because we never found anything in his background. >> quickly two other points to raise with you, pete, with your indulgence. ray kelly, the new york city police commissioner have tried to clarify the reports that the brothers were planning to go to new york. this is ray kelly today. >> well, we know there's a picture of them in times square. he's there with four other individuals, a bit of information that we have that it may have been worded to the effect of coming to party in new york. >> so it's not clear that they had any threats planned against new york. does that jibe with what you're hearing from the fbi? >> yes, and we've seen that picture. it's taken way about of the bombing. it may have been taken a year or two ago. the initial confusion said the
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hijacking victim thought they were going to long island, speaking in a russian dielectric. he wasn't quite sure, and the debriefs have said they planned to go to new york, as ray kelly put it, to party. >> i want to ask you about the -- as the fbi explained why they found the wrong guy? paul kevin curtis has been released, the charges have been dropped, and from all accounts, he was not the right guy, even though his letters seemed to be similar to the phrases -- or -- >> the search happened after he was charged in sending it is letters. the charge was based entirely on the fact that letters he had previously sent to congress seemed to be extremely similar in wording, phrases, pet phrases, same sort of issues
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that were in the letters accompanies the ricin mailings, so it was based on that and the address and where the letters came from, the postmark and so forth, that led the fbi to charge paul kevin curtis. then they searched his house, found no evidence of ricin, concluded that this must have been some kind of setup by someone else, in essence he was being framed and now they're trying to figure out who that other person was. >> we know they had searched both the home and another location. do we have any indication they were getting closer to the source of they letters. >> no, we're waiting to hear the results of those searches. >> thank you very much, pete williams. next, dinnertime diplomat sell. senator barbara mcculls can i joining us about last night's big date at the white house. pirs secretary of state john kerry addressing the home-grown question at a meeting in belgium. >> we just had a young person who went to russia and chechnya
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who blew people up in boston. so he didn't stay where he went, but he learned something where he went and came back with a willingness to kill people. i think the world has had enough of people who have no belief system, no policy for jobs, no policy for education, no policy for rule of law, but who just want to kill people because they don't like what they see. there's not room for that. zap technology. arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork.
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the fbi and failed to connect the dots. he also served on the national security staff during the clinton administration. thanks very much, and you are joining us from dartmouth where
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you are in charge of your special program there. first of all, dan, what about all of this confusion over what do we do when the russians ask us for information, how we did or did not provide it. the fbi says they checked him out. he was put on a very low-level sort of sublevel watchlist and went back to the russians, didn't get back any answers from the russians. does that mean somebody sort of riss in limbo? how did it work in real time? >> well, my understanding, andrea is that in a case like this, the fbi would take the information, check their databases, check any information they might have relating to the individual, but of course we would want to know as much as we can, as the basis for going into this kind of investigation, so it's not unusual to go back to the original country that made the requests and ask them for more information.
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the russians didn't supply it. you know, we're talking about enormous bureaucracies on both sides, and chances are that the russians actually dropped the ball or for some reason didn't want to allow us to know what kind of information they had, because they're very wary of letting us know how they collect intelligence. >> that is part of the relationship, the trouble between the fbi and the fsb, the security operations in russia. both sides really want to protect their sources and methods, and there's another human rights issue here, where the u.s. doesn't want to necessarily turn over to the russians something that might involve a political dissident, for instance. >> well, it's certainly true we have to be very careful of any information we would give to the russians that would allow them to increase harassment of civil rights activists, dissidents,
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what have you, and obviously they have much lower standards when it comes to these issues than we do. i don't think human rights came into the question here involving the ascertain yes, at least there's no indication to that effect. it would not be unusual to go back to the russians and ask for more. it would also not be unusual to have the line go dead at that point. >> one question that came up here today when we were trying to sort through this puzzle that was what in tamerlan tsarnaev's mind, why would the russians ask for information if he had not been in contact with radicals overseas? how would they have known about
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him? >> it's entirely possible that the russians had some signaled intelligence involving this individual that motivated them, or perhaps he had contacts in chechnya, in dagestan, in the northern caucasus, but they didn't make enough that available, it appears, and as a result we were all shortchanged in this matter. it's not unusual. the russians are extremely leery of letting us have any idea of what information collection capabilities they have. ref, tsarnaev was in dagestan for six months and the russians never went and questioned him. there was nothing stopping them from doing that. it appears it wasn't the highest priority for them, either. >> dan benjamin from dartmouth, thank you very much. good to see you, dan. thanks for the help. >> my pleasure. and tamerlan tsarnaev's
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outbursts at a mosque. we'll hear from the center's spokesman, coming up next. time for the "your business" entry prenear of the week. ryan arnoldi was inspired by the paint-stained scraps, collecting them to use as wrapping paper. now he founded wrapped, and sells his products across the country. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings on msnbc. we've all had those moments. when you lost the thing you can't believe you lost. when what you just bought, just broke. or when you have a little trouble a long way from home... as an american express cardmember you can expect some help. but what you might not expect, is you can get all this with a prepaid card. spends like cash. feels like membership.
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the mosque attended by tam or lan is working with the fbi. thank you very much for joining us. there are reports that tamerlan twice disrupted talks at the mosque, one in november, i think, of 2012, one in january, one related to a comparison between the prophet muhammad, and martin luther king jr., one a reference to thanksgiving could be celebrated as a holiday even by muslims. tell me about what you've had heard from your colleagues at the congregation, and how this -- this was notable enough that people remembered it. >> thanks so much for having me on, andrea.
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you know, there's very little, you know, that folks at our congregation know about the on thor suspect. you know, it's -- people just like, you know, the suspects, you know, friends at public schools, you know, and just like the fbi which interviewed the older suspect. people don't really have answers, you know, of what happened. people like all bostonance, all of us bostonians are really in shock with what happened here. >> when you talked to people in the mosque, though, they seemed to be recalling these two incidents as some evidence of how he had by that point become radicalized, or become outspoken in his interpretation of the religious prescriptions. can you tell us something about it? what is the conference going on
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right now about tamerlan? >> i think what people in the congregation feel is that he was really reacting to the modern american islam that's projected inside of our congregation, so inside of that second incident, you know, inside of that second incident, you know, after he stood up, after our, you know, preacher compared martin luther king, you know, to the prophet muhammad, and he stood up, he called our preacher a hypocrite, so then the people of the congregation shouted him out to leave. so i think the conversation in our congregation is that, you know he just didn't fit, in terms of kind of the idea allege, the mainstream moderate ideology that our mosque projects. >> there have been reports that his family wants him to be buried in the united states and is trying to find a way to bury
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him, to have a proper burial service for him, and i don't know whether the body has been released yet. do you know whats latest is on that? >> yeah, there were some reports out there that we had rejected his burial, or the family had reached out to us, rather, and to our knowledge, you know, the family has not reached out to us. >> and so you do not know anything about the details of a funeral service or burial? >> no. >> what about dzhokhar, the younger brother? had he attended services? >> you know, it was very rare for him to attend. one of our congress -- congregants remembers him rarely, but it was the older
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brother that came to the mosque. >> what is it that the fbi or wants to know about tamerlan or dzhokhar? >> well, you know, actually, as soon as we found out that tamerlan had been -- the older suspect had been at our mosque, we actually reached out to the fbi first, and said, listen, you know, some of our congregants have had contact and want to be cooperative. i haven't been in any of the interviews, but the sense we have gotten is they just want to know what happened and if there was anything -- any kind of information that we can share, but like i said, it's just as -- i mean, a lot of, you know, the suspects' friends and, you know, in the older suspect's case, the colleagues in the boxing ring, would have known the suspects much better than, you know, just
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passing by interactions with the congregants. >> understand. i'm sure it's painful for the community. what are the efforts under way to reconnect with the community and establish that you represent a very different interpretation mainstream moderate american islam. >> well, you know, personally i would say just the pain is -- the pain that we all as bostonians are feeling right now. we lost three people, a student, a waitress and a young man who is actually a neighbor of our close mosque in roxbury, and also losing an m.i.t. police officer. so i think that was, you know, the pain that we are all sharing as bostonians, but really, you know, boston is an incredible place where people really pull
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together. there have been maybe a couple incidents of harassment, but on the whole, i have to tell you, it's been incredible. yesterday, a young man stopped by and gave us, you know, a bouquet of flowers at the mosque. the day right after the bombings, there was a woman nailed cory champagne who actually offered to take our muslim women to grocery stores in case they're fearful at all. i feel in boston there's this incredible spirit. so we as a community feel so supportive and, you know, just feel -- and are just so proud to be bostonians. >> thank you very much. thanks for being with us today. >> thanks so much. it was my pleasure. um next we'll take to senators about dinner at the white house. departure. hertz gold plus rewards also offers ereturn-- our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap ! you're outta there ! we'll e-mail your receipt in a flash, too. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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women's caucus. so what was on the political menu? joining me is the deane of the senate women's caucus, senator mcculls canalls can i. >> we had a wonderful time. we were so pleased that the president invited 20 of us. it was a bipartisan gathering, but you know, and we represent diverse viewpoint from women who have strong roads in the pea party. andrea, i think that the president really enjoyed this dinner diplomacy, because the tone was one of great civility. the fact that we wanted to work on a bipartisan basis. we talked about the macroissues and talked about the macaroni and cheese issues. in other words, how did the big economic things we're affecting
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face families and the ever-shrinking middle class. >> was there any conversation about guns? you had lisa murkowski and kelly ayotte, senators who had voted against the background checks. did that come up? >> this was not a negotiating meeting. the president wanted to get our views on what were some of the issues that were facing us. in terms of the violence in our country. we expressed our support to the president, not support about a particular public policy, but the role he has played in reaches out, particularly to communities that were affected, the role he played as kind of first comforter in boston, and that he told the people of west, texas, he would never forget them. reaching out to governor perry, the sense of bipartisanship. we did talk about national security issues, cyberto syri -
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cyber to syria. we have to end gridlock politics, ultimatum politics, and how we could come together to reduce our public debt, but to increase or funding, particularly we want you cannot in any budget deal throw women and children under the bus. not that he would ever agree to that, but we spoke about the needs for public investment and our support for his programs, particularly in early childhood education. >> senator, you also have been pretty busy. you also were going to the intelligence briefing on what happened in boston, do you have some concerns about the lack of communication either between the fbi and cia or fbi and homeland regarding tamerlan tsarnaev's travel to and from russia. >> i think first of all, the agencies did everything they could do under the law.
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i know the fbi and homeland security and other agencies welcome oversight. i sat in that briefing with snofr sue collins, who used to chair the homeland security committee, and we heard about these famous watch lists. i wanted to know when he came back from russia, who was watching, and did anybody talk also to the russianss about what he did there, who did he associate with, and how we protect our borders, but at the same time, what we also talked about you know, our fbi officers are facing sequester rather than pinning medals on people, we're going to give them pink slips. that goes back to the conversation with the president. we really want to end this deadlock gridlock economic situation that we're facing, and come up with a sensible center. >> and just very briefly, senator, did you get any answers
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to what happened with teamer lan when he was overseas, whether he was radicalized there or recruited there? did they know anything about that yet? >> well, you know, this is an ongoing investigation, and they're looking at what was his motivation, and was there a conspiracy. in terms of what motivated him, how did he come to such a radical viewpoint? was it associations here? was it self-radicalization from the internet? and then was he involved with other people? here in the united states who were enablers to make sure there are no sleeping cells waiting elsewhere, and was he enabled as part of an overseas plot, and would there be ramifications in other cities? but i believe that the fbi and our federal law enforcement, as well as local enforcement are actually on the job, and that we will know more as this unfolds. listen to that well-spoken man who was on right before me,
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andrea, the face of modern islam in our country. weren't you proud to listen to him and the way he talked? >> indeed. >> i want to know what motivates a young guy like him, to be such a great american, to have concern for the people in the mosque and for the people who were injured. we cannot point fingers at groups. we have to pinpoint why he did what had el did, and make sure he's not part of a conspiracy to do it to anybody else. >> senator mikulski, thank you so much. what a pleasure to see you. thank you so much. >> a pleasure. up next, amy joins us next. i've always had to keep my eye on her... but, i didn't always watch out for myself. with so much noise about health care... i tuned it all out. with unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters...
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take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. angie's liat angie's list, i autyou'll find reviews. on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial. joining me from capitol hill is senator klobuchar. what about the politics of guns and immigration, some of the controversial topics that divide even the women's caucus?
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>> well, every topic came up, as you know, andrea, the women senators get together under the leadership of senator mikulski every few months. it's always just the women. we made an exception here and let a guy in, but the president was really thoughtful. we did talk about immigration, about the success that we're seeing with the hearings, so that 23 witnesses on monday, secretary napolitano just testified yesterday. they've been very strong hearings in terms of the work that's going on between business and labor, with the farmer groups and the migrant worker groups. people have come together. when you have grover norquist out there strongly testifying for a bill and citing ronald reagan sitting on a hill, i think you've got a pretty strong effort going forward with this bill. guns came up -- >> let me just you about that, senator grassley was raising all
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sorts of issues with in a follow tanno yet. is there any concern that boston will be a setback, slowing it down? >> clear it's it's been raised by senator grassley and others, but i think it's interesting what's happened. we've seen boston come together, one terrorist killed, the other arrested. we've also seen a number of other voices. yesterday speaker boehner and congressman ryan came out and said this is not a reason to delay the immigration bill in going forward. this is actually a reason to speed it up and have it go forward. we all know the sim has been broken, there's security issues. look what happened with the terrorists. they had visas that overstayed, and this bill, allowing some of these high-skilled engineers and doctors to stay? our country, it also creates better security in terms of not just the border, but watching the visas. right now they're all hiding
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from view in the shadows, this will be a better system and i think it was quite inspiring that a number of people have stood above the immediate reaction and said, you know what? this is just a sign that things are broken, and we need to do things better. we're almost out of time, but i want to ask you quickly about guns. you were talking about how that might have cup um. there might have been an elephant in the room. >> there clearly were different views in the room, but i think the president has recognized while we were not able to beat the filibuster with the bipartisan, very moderate approach to background checks, we did gain votes. senator manchin, who as you know ran a commercial shooting a target for his senate race, has come out and said i want to do something and make this better, came up with a bipartisan proposal. we had a number of people take
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tough votes. senator hagen, senator landrieu, senator shahin, who said we may not be for all these gun proposals, but we think it's important for look doing something on background checks. the majority of the senate favors some senate favors some to background checks and that's one of the points that can't be lost here when this comes up again, and i believe it will. >> thank you very much. and we'll be right back. in my first term i sang al green. in my secretary term i'm going with -- michelle said yeah. i sing this to her sometimes. [ male announcer ] if she keeps serving up sneezes...
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internet. >> that's a great question. and let's talk about what lone wolves are p. a group or group of individuals that can be self-taught under the radar. those of us in the intelligence community for a while have been concerned about the lone wolf. we feel very strongly that they probably won't be able to have another 9/11 without us getting intelligence information because of so many people involved. but there was, anwr alackey, his strategy was to do under the radar and to have individuals like the shoe bomber attack, the underwear bomber, the new york city times square bomber, be under the radar. now getting back to the brothers as far as radicalization, it seems as if the two brothers were self radicalized and the younger brother said they got their information on how to build a bomb through a magazine
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called "inspire." "inspire" is a magazine sent throughout the united states. we can't stop it because of first amendment rights. basically it gave instructions how to build the bomb that was used in the boston marathon bombing. and then the information we received about look at issues that are nationally and locally at this time and all of the information we are receiving from the younger brother, says that they are clearly, at this point, self-radicalized. now we are still investigating and always looking to get more information. >> just briefly, in 15 seconds, congressman, do we think they tried to rehearse it? did they practice the bombing? >> we have no indication they rehearsed it at all. in fact, the younger brother said at this point that they did not rehearse it. it seems to be sophisticated to be able to use cell phones. but again, we are getting all of the information we can at this point it seems that the two
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brothers and they were self-radicalized. >> thank you so much, congressman. thanks for the brief pg. we appreciate it. we are out of time. to be continued. that does it for us for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." my colleague, tamron hall is next for "news nation." >> still piecing together the communication between the u.s. and russia. regarding terror suspect tamerlan tsarnaev. the intelligence committee says the u.s. government was contacted more than once by the russians. pete williams will join us live and we will have the latest out of philadelphia on the trial of the abortion doctor accused of murdering babies that showed signs of life. today the he can fence starts presenting the case. and we will check in with wall street a day after the so-called flash crash from a twitter hoax claiming the president had been hurt. the big question today, why are the markets this vulnerable? that's all coming up next on "news nation."
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